Does Kafka Module support the metrics here?

Hi guys,

I'm checking the current Kafka module can support most of the metrics listed here?

I'm asking this in the elastic web site I cannot see those in the Exported fields pages.


For monitoring kafka, one can use logs, the Kafka APIs to get metadata like topics/partitions/offsets and JMX. The kafka module in metricbeat uses the Kafka API, but the metrics listed here are exported via JMX. Metricbeat has generic collectors via JMX (via Jolokia), HTTP and Prometheus endpoints. By running kafka with the Jolokia or Prometheus agent, you can configure metricbeat to also collect these stats.

I'm testing if we can use Jolokia for the kafka metrics.

I an find the kafka mbeans from here:
but wondering what to set for the att and fied in the metricbeat for jmx.

Did you have a look at the modules documentation:

In jmx.mappings setting you configure a list of MBeans you want to poll.

I just wanted know how to configure the attribute/field for the list of mbeans. I could found them by jconsole.
Now I can get those metrics as you suggested using metricbeat via jolokia jmx. Many thanks!

I think it would be nicer if I could simply list up all the mbeans to get all metrics defined in them, rather than indicating each individual att/fields.

I think it would be nicer if I could simply list up all the mbeans to get all metrics defined in them, rather than indicating each individual att/fields.

Feel free to open an enhancement request.

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