i have ELK 8.17 (elasticsearch-logstech-kibana-filebeat) and send netflow from router to filebeat and recive all of netflow in ELK but dont count sources bytes and destinations bytes!!!
and just collect source and destinations port!!
First I am curious why are you running Filebeat -> Logstash -> Elasticsearch instead of just Filebeat->Elasticsearch ?
Are you following 3rd party documentation?
I generally recommend Filebeat->Elasticsearch first ... WHY because logstash adds extra complexity (may not add any value) and if you do not do everything right... then the correct mappings and pipelines / parsing are not applied. Then the data and the mappings and dashboards might not work right...
So my suggestion is clean everything up and get Filebeat -> Elasticsearch working first using the netflow modules
Following the steps in the Filebeat quick start and use the netflow module instead of the ngnix modules
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