Doubts about IIS and SQL Server metrics

To whom it may concern.

I will like to solve several questions related about the granularity and the capacity of getting metrics from the Microsoft stack, that is, MSSQL Server & Internet Information Services (IIS). After reviewing the documentation of the SQL Server and Internet Information Services modules [1, 2], I still have doubts about the system's ability to perform certain types of measurements.

On the one hand, I would like to clarify if the MSSQL module [1] is able to segregate/separate the information of a MSSQL Sever cluster for each of the different resource pools (also known as virtual SQL Server instances). As a reminder, a resource pool [3, 4] represents a subset of the physical resources of an instance of the Database Engine, where it is possible to specify limits on the amount of CPU, physical IO, and memory that incoming application requests can use within the resource pool. Specifically, in our company, we have assigned to each of our products a different resource pool, and therefore, it is very important for us to know the metrics of each resource pool separately, since in this way we can monitor each virtual instance of SQL server in isolation.

On the other hand, I would like to clarify if the IIS module [2] is able to segregate/separate the information of all the different sites, application pools and services. Specifically, in our company, we have several IIS instances with different sites which in turn contain one or more application pools. In addition, each application pool may contain one service or several services. We would like to know if the system is capable of segregating information by different services, application pools and sites. In this way, from Kibana, we could have different panels depending on each of the projects, where we could see the metrics of the different application pools and sites associated with those projects.

Finally, I am enclosing a small architectural diagram that will help to understand the doubts that I would like to have resolved.


Thank you very much in advance.

I look forward to your response.

Best regards,

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