Dumb question- using the cjk analyzer

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the n00b post. I just started using ElasticSearch for a
dynamic website search. In English, everything just works great.
Love the json interface- was able to create an index easily, query it
easily, and integrate it into the website easily.

It went so well, that I've been asked to use ElasticSearch for a
Japanese text website search. Should be no problem, the documentation
says Lucene's "cjk" analyzer is supported.

So how do I do it? Everything's in utf8, I try to execute a query:
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/MySite/search/_search?pretty=1&q=
This fails to return any results. Naturally- I need the cjk analyzer
to break out the Japanese characters. Cjk will do it:
curl 'localhost:9200/MySite/_analyze?pretty=1&analyzer=cjk' -d '
And this breaks out the tokens without a problem.

Doing what I thought was the obvious:
curl 'localhost:9200/MySite/search/_search?pretty=1&q=
\uff52\uff49\uff50' -d {

This gives an "unable to parse" error, so obviously, I've done
something really stupid with my syntax.

Hence my n00b question: what's wrong with my syntax? What dumb thing
have I done? Do I need to set some default elsewhere to use the cjk

Thanks in advance,


Hi Nathan,

To override the default analyzer for a particular index, you would do this:

curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/myindex' -d '
"settings": {

"analysis" : {

        "analyzer" : {
            "default" : {
                "type" : "cjk"




If you want to do the same across all indicies, you can add the similar configuration to the elasticsearch.yml file under the 'index' settings.

Thank you so much! That was fast. Worked too :slight_smile:


On Sep 22, 12:26 pm, James Cook jc...@tracermedia.com wrote:

Hi Nathan,

To override the default analyzer for a particular index, you would do this:

curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/myindex'-d '
"settings": {

"analysis" : {

        "analyzer" : {
            "default" : {
                "type" : "cjk"




If you want to do the same across all indicies, you can add the similar configuration to the elasticsearch.yml file under the 'index' settings.