Duplicate data

I have an indicator with duplicate data I want to delete this duplicate data and keep only one and the rest of the duplicates are deleted
I want to do this operation periodically
What is the best practice to do this?

Please help


In which stage are you currently?

  1. Have you already identified duplicate records?
  2. Have you created a scripted query to find duplicates?
  3. Do you want to remove duplicates periodically?

[quote="Alex_Salgado-Elastic, post:2, topic:363091, full:true"]

In which stage are you currently?

  1. Have you already identified duplicate records?
  2. Have you created a scripted query to find duplicates?
  3. Do you want to remove duplicates periodically?
    Yes, I did that, and when deleting, it deletes all data that matches the condition, and I want it to delete the duplicate only and keep its single value.

I want the deletion to be done dynamically

Yes, I did that, and when deleting, it deletes all data that matches the condition, and I want it to delete the duplicate only and keep its single value.

I want the deletion to be done dynamically