Dynamic modification of [beats].yml file for providing list of hosts/urls dynamically


My application code is written in Java. I am running heartbeat and metricbeat on one application module and some devices are getting connected to this module randomly thus I get an IP address of the connected devices at this module. Is it possible to modify configuration for list of urls/hosts in [beats].yml file dynamically and thereafter the specific beats service gets reloaded? Is there any limit to providing number of urls/hosts?
An early response to this will be much appreciated.


Both Metricbeat and Filebeat are gaining the ability to detect config changes to files in a "conf.d" directory in 5.3.

See the docs from the master branch for an idea of how the feature works:

Metricbeat - https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/metricbeat/master/_reload_configuration.html
Filebeat- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/filebeat/master/filebeat-configuration-reloading.html

Thanks Andrewkroh, for sharing the information. I am only targeting Metricbeat and Heartbeat as of now. The latest version available for download at the website is 5.2, when can we except the release of version 5.3.

You can expect the 5.3 release in the next weeks. If you already want to play around with it, there are also nightly builds available: https://beats-nightlies.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html?prefix=metricbeat/ But be aware, these are snapshot builds and not meant for production.



Is the reload functionality available for heartbeat. Like, if more hosts/urls are adding up dynamically, can we reload heartbeat in that case?


Heartbeat also has a reload funcitonality: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/heartbeat/current/configuration-heartbeat-options.html#monitor-watch-poll-file Be aware that this might change in the future as we want to unify it to be similar to the reload functionality with have in Filebeat and Metricbeat.

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