Edit kibana login UI Title

how can i edit the title seeing in the loging page of kibana, Where i can find the respective file.
how can i add other logos and title texts in it.

Change the welcome to elastic into any other title, for that where i can find the respective files for edit the content.

Hi @mr_ph,

Which version of Elastic are you using?

I am using ELK 8.6.1

Hi, from which directory does this mentioned login page is fetching

From the following directory
I can edit the first page that mentioning "Loading elastic" into my own title.

Thanks for confirming you've found the solution. With changing styles and text make sure to keep the Elastic logo and copyright notices to keep on the right side of the license as per the FAQ.

Glad you found your workaround!

may I know one thing, in the same directory can I edit the "welcome to elastic " into my own title.

Can you give a bit more detail on what you're wanting to change it to and what you are using Kibana for?

I need to change the welcome title in the above mentioned login page, Just change the Welcome to elastic into my own title.

Thanks for confirming. The code change method is the right approach for 8.6.1 or later versions with a basic license. However, there is a new feature in 8.8 with an enterprise license that allows for custom branding which could work if you have an enterprise license.

Hope that helps!

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