ElastAlert : multiple query against multiple indices in same rule file

I have created 2 separate rule files , which are as follows:-
  minutes: 5
from_addr: test@email.com
es_host: xx.xx.xxx.xx
index: topbeat-*
smtp_host: ismtp.corp.company.com
type: frequency
es_port: 9200
 - range:
      from: 0.70
      to: 1.0
 - term:
    beat.hostname: xxxxx
  minutes: 30
alert: email
name: 9__server__xxxxx__mem.used_p__0.70__30
email: ["user@email.com"]
num_events: 1
  minutes: 5
from_addr: test@email.com
es_host: xx.xx.xxx.xx
index: packetbeat-*
smtp_host: ismtp.corp.company.com
type: frequency
es_port: 9200
 - term:
    http.code: 404
 - term:
    beat.hostname: yyyyy
  minutes: 30
alert: email
name: 25__app__yyyyy__http.code__404__1__30
email: ["user@email.com"]
num_events: 1

Both rule files are generating emails as per their definition.

Is there any way to have these two rule files as a single rule file.
where I might need to define, index:topbeat-,packetbeat-
Then in that case how I need to write filters, so that mem.used_p is queried against topbeat-* for server xxxxx and http.code is queried against packetbeat-* for server yyyyy. ???

Can anybody please reply for the above issue.
Is it possible in elastalert that we query topbeat-* index for some condition1
and packetbeat-* index for some other condition2, and generate mail only if both condtion are satisfied.
If yes, then what will be the syntax for that approach ??

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