I have an AWS environment which ships VPC logs to a S3 bucket. I am using the AWS VPC Log Processing integration within Elastic Agent to process these logs and to monitor for new logs.
It connects to the bucket successfully.
When the agent starts up, you can see the CPU utilisation go high and stay high for considerable periods of time and the memory utilisation within Filebeat will also climb to a very high amount, so it is definitely doing something.
I leave it for a couple of days, but nothing appears in my elasticsearch cluster.
When I look at the logs for the elastic agent in question, I am seeing repeated messages such as:
[elastic_agent][info] Component state changed aws-s3-default (HEALTHY->STOPPED): Suppressing FAILED state due to restart for '5056' exited with code '2'
[elastic_agent][info] Unit state changed aws-s3-default (HEALTHY->STOPPED): Suppressing FAILED state due to restart for '5056' exited with code '2'
[elastic_agent][info] Unit state changed aws-s3-default-aws-s3-vpcflow-97ad6888-efd5-400e-8ca3-0a799ec519d6 (HEALTHY->STOPPED): Suppressing FAILED state due to restart for '5056' exited with code '2'
[elastic_agent][info] Spawned new component aws-s3-default: Starting: spawned pid '4012'
[elastic_agent][info] Spawned new unit aws-s3-default-aws-s3-vpcflow-97ad6888-efd5-400e-8ca3-0a799ec519d6: Starting: spawned pid '4012'
[elastic_agent][info] Spawned new unit aws-s3-default: Starting: spawned pid '4012'
[elastic_agent][info] Component state changed aws-s3-default (STARTING->HEALTHY): Healthy: communicating with pid '4012'
When I check on the agent regularly, I can see different PID for filebeat which would confirm it is starting and restarting.
I have a feeling the issue may be because the S3 bucket in question already has a considerable amount of VPC logs within it, and this is causing filebeat to potentially max out memory utilisation and then fail.
I have tried increase memory but it ends the same way.
I don't want to have to create a new S3 bucket.
Would love any suggestions on how to get these logs and monitor for new ones for the VPC logs.