Elastic-agent is triggering HTTP 413 (entity too large) errors

I have an elastic agent:

elastic-agent version
Binary: 8.9.0 (build: dc443bc2427920a26141b05f9c07a52191881af5 at 2023-07-19 20:55:16 +0000 UTC)
Daemon: 8.9.0 (build: dc443bc2427920a26141b05f9c07a52191881af5 at 2023-07-19 20:55:16 +0000 UTC)
elastic-agent status
┌─ fleet
│  └─ status: (HEALTHY) Connected
└─ elastic-agent
   └─ status: (HEALTHY) Running

If I do:

elastic-agent logs | jq

I am seeing some errors like:

  "log.level": "error",
  "@timestamp": "2023-08-29T22:51:52.377Z",
  "message": "failed to publish events: Post \"https://myelasticsearch.example:443/_bulk\": write tcp [redacted]:33430->[redacted]:443: write: broken pipe",
  "component": {
    "binary": "filebeat",
    "dataset": "elastic_agent.filebeat",
    "id": "filestream-default",
    "type": "filestream"
  "log": {
    "source": "filestream-default"
  "log.origin": {
    "file.line": 174,
    "file.name": "pipeline/client_worker.go"
  "service.name": "filebeat",
  "ecs.version": "1.6.0",
  "log.logger": "publisher_pipeline_output"
  "log.level": "error",
  "@timestamp": "2023-08-29T22:51:53.079Z",
  "message": "failed to perform any bulk index operations: Post \"https://myelasticsearch.example:443/_bulk\": write tcp [redacted]:33436->[redacted]:443: write: connection reset by peer",
  "component": {
    "binary": "filebeat",
    "dataset": "elastic_agent.filebeat",
    "id": "filestream-default",
    "type": "filestream"
  "log": {
    "source": "filestream-default"
  "log.origin": {
    "file.line": 258,
    "file.name": "elasticsearch/client.go"
  "service.name": "filebeat",
  "ecs.version": "1.6.0",
  "log.logger": "elasticsearch"

If I use a protocol debugger, I see that HTTP 413 Entity Too Large errors are being thrown by the backend.

My Elasticsearch server is configured with "http.max_content_length": "100mb", (as seen from the _cluster/settings API).

How can I tell how large the payload that elastic-agent is sending to the server?

How can I throttle the size of the payload that elastic-agent is sending to the server?

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