Elastic agent metrics

Does the Elastic Agent, with the system integration enabled, expose system metrics in a way that Prometheus can consume them and then display them in Grafana for monitoring ?


Why would you want to push data that is already in Elastic to Prometheus?
If you really need the data in Grafana for a specific usecase you should be able to add Elasticsearch as a datasource to Grafana.

Best regards

Currently, I am using Node Exporter to collect system-level metrics, which are scraped by Prometheus and displayed in Grafana. However, I want a single agent or utility on my VMs that can handle both logging and metrics collection so is this configuration possible If you have any idea regarding this ?
Thank you for your reply

I don't think that makes sense. The Agent is only powerful if you also use it as part of the stack (Monitoring & Alerting, Central configuration, Updates, ...)

In fact, The Elastic Agent is also only an orchestrator that manages multiple tools (FileBeat, MetricBeat, ...).

So I don't think this will make sense for your usecase.