Elastic-agent not respecting the config file parameters

Elastic agent doesn't seem to respect the parameters specified in the config file. As per below config, gRPC should bind to 6790. Rather it binds on 6789 (default).

  address: localhost
  port: 6790

Here's the open ports for ES agent after running it.

  TCP        ESTABLISHED     27460
  TCP        ESTABLISHED     27460
  TCP        ESTABLISHED     27460
  TCP        ESTABLISHED     27460

Is this a bug?

This is a bug. Do you mind opening an issue on GH? Sign in to GitHub · GitHub

As a workaround, you can add the same configuration to fleet.yml, and it will work.

Should I report an issue with beats repo? Already raised an issue with elastic-agent-client.

Getting below error while trying to run a second elastic agent process.

Error: could not start the HTTP server for the API: failed to listen on the named pipe \\.\pipe\elastic-agent: open \\.\pipe\elastic-agent: Access is denied.

P.S.: I'm not performing install, trying to run two processes using enroll and then run.

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