Elastic Anomaly Detection not showing some partition fields in single metric viewer

We have created an anomaly detection job using elastic machine learning. We created the job using detector on count (partition_field) and we have around 3000 partitions.
however some partition fields are not visible in the single metric viewer where it shows the count graph with anomalies, otherwise most of them are visible.
Could someone share how can we include all partition fields and view graphs for them ?

elastic version : "7.14.0"
"total_partition_field_count": 2759

By default, only information about anomalous partitions is saved into the results index (.ml-anomalies-*) and is therefore available to see in the Single Metric Viewer UI. In other words, the partitions you are not seeing in the UI don't have any anomalies in the time range you are viewing.

There is a way to track information for all partitions (by turning on model plot), but we would recommend against it as it will be a lot of overhead for a job with ~3000 partitions.

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