Elastic APM for Meteor.JS

Hi everybody! I am glad to announce today I have completed developing Elastic APM for Meteor.js.

It can monitor:

  1. Pub/sub
  2. Meteor calls
  3. Async executions
  4. Database queries
  5. Cursor methods
  6. Exceptions: meteor method/pub-sub exception, unhandled exceptions
  7. Outgoing http requests
  8. Incoming http requests

It's based on apm nodejs agent, so it's fully compatible with all of it's features

You can find installation steps and source code in github repo
My announce in meteor forums: apm release


  1. Documentation
  2. Add custom metrics (pub/sub count, meteor calls count, auth count, etc…)
  3. Integration tests

Enjoy using it MeteorJS developers


Cool stuff @kschingiz, thank you for sharing!

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There is big update coming in this branch: https://github.com/kschingiz/meteor-elastic-apm/tree/trace_improvements

  1. Merge nested async spans into one (Done)
  2. DB spans have selector, document, docs fetched, docs removed, docs updated, doc id inserted, options data (Done)
  3. Meteor methods trace improvements: method transaction will have response, exception (if error is thrown) and method params data (Done)
  4. Cursor methods: options, docs fetched, what is returned from cursor (Done)
  5. Subscriptions improvements: sub params, docs fetched (In progress)
  6. User id data in transactions (Done)
  7. Http requests: http request data, response data, response code, etc… (In progress)
  8. Fix async meteor collection method execution when callback is provided (Done)

New release is planned for the next week (maybe at the end of the week) when I implement some new features and fix tests.

Stay tuned, enjoy using it and feel free to contribute.

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