Elastic APM incomplete data collection

We have setup Single APM Server for collecting events from js-agent and java agent. But, we faced some issues after deployment of APM Server and agent.

APM Server Configuration:
Version: 7.16.2
apm-server.auth.anonymous.rate_limit.event_limit: 15000
apm-server.auth.anonymous.rate_limit.ip_limit: 2000
output.elasticsearch.bulk_max_size: 1000
queue.mem.events: 150000
Instance JVM: 4GB
Instance vCPU: 2

ES Configuration:
master node: 1
data node: 2

Kibana version: 7.16.2

Elasticsearch version: 7.16.2

APM Server version: 7.16.2

APM Agent language and version: js agent

Browser version: Chrome and Firefox

Original install method (e.g. download page, yum, deb, from source, etc.) and version: rpm

Fresh install or upgraded from other version?: Fresh install


  • All the page-load events must be stored in Elasticsearch.


  • Found some events were not available in Elasticsearch

Could you please provide your valuable support and insight?

Hi @Suresh_Ghatuwa,

Thanks for reaching out!

Could you confirm the RUM agent is sending the events to the APM server?

Prerequisite (because of step 4): Troubleshooting | APM Real User Monitoring JavaScript Agent Reference [5.x] | Elastic

  1. Open the browser dev tools
  2. Check the network tab
  3. Look for "events/".
  4. You should see the associated requests and the payload (where you can see the transaction.type page-load).
