Elastic APM - Plotting traceID start and end timestamps

We have bunch of applications through which a trace ID passes. We would like to calculate total time taken by the trace and plot them.

Elastic APM UI doesn't show this information out of the box for asynchronous applications where the trace won't return.

Say we have apps A->B->C->D connected with Kafka queues. App A starts a transaction and trace ID which passes all the way to D.

We would like to calculate the time take from A to D for all the traces and plot so that we can find the offenders.

I tried to find this with Lens by using a formula max(@timestamp) - min(@timestamp), but couldn't exactly plot it.

but horizontal axis is ranked by alphabetical order

How can we make trace IDs ranked by (max(@timestamp) - min(@timestamp)) ?

It does allow to "rank by" with custom fields when using quick function.

But it doesn't give the same when using formula such as (max(@timestamp) - min(@timestamp))

Or if there's better way to do this pelase let me know.

Today you can not rank by a custom formula which is your issue... so you will need to rank by sum of transaction duration...

But sum of transactions wont capture the queuing time. And Elastic does have the information of trace timestamps (when it started and when it ended).

Is there no way to visulaize this information?

What I was trying to tell you in the other post.... not easy.

You could create a runtime field that would be a new time field that would be the transaction @timestamp + transaction.duration.us and name it end_timestamp or something

then the total duration would be something like.

Max(end_timestamp) - Min(@timestamp)

If that worked then I would probably create that new field on ingest with an ingest pipeline so that is already there.. runtime fields may not scale if this is high volume

Actually, that is a good idea! :slight_smile:

If I get a chance later in the week I will take a look, but that would be my suggestion

By field you mean custom fields using public API?

Transaction#setLabel(String key, value)

No Runtime Field

You can add them to a Data View in Kibana -> Stack Management - Data View -> The APM Data View -> Add Field

Search this forum and me and you will see some of my posts

here is one that has some examples etc

I do not have permissions to do this in my org. Will have to request it and might take time.

However, I do not really care about last service's transaction.duration.us. A plain Max(@timestamp) - min(@timestamp) of trace just works fine. But there's no way to plot even that.

When you say plot you mean a line chart because I just showed you how to do the table?

And I'll ask you actually. What are you trying to accomplish? Do you want to see it on a chart the longest?...

Because there's probably some other methods line chart fine...
I'll take a look, but if you wanted to run some aggregation scripts or transforms you could probably figure this out. Get your top ones every 10 minutes or whatever

The data is there. You just need to figure out how to get it. And no it's not an of the box thing
I think I told you that in the very beginning. :slight_smile:

You can just write a simple shell script that the search with the scripted fields and aggregations and pull the data right out.

Nope, not the simple. Just you are the work a little and unfortunately

Just to be clear, the top 10 values you showed are not actually top 10 traces with (max-min timestamp). They are top 10 values with max (sum(transaction.duration)). Because they are ranked by (sum(transaction.duration)).

If you change the top 10 to top 100, we will see entirely different values which are higher than the top 10 (high values of max-min timestamp). Because there can be traces with high overall time but low transaction time (because of queuing or some other issue). That's exactly what I want to capture.. whether its queuing or some other time.. I want to find out the traces with highest overall time.

Plotting is next step, once the top 10 table reliably works. When we have millions of traces, just looking at top 10/100 doesn't give us the full picture, that's why wanted to plot.

But as I said plotting is next step, first the table doesn't work.

I would assume this is a fairly common usecase. having asynchronous services conencted over queues where we want to track overall time for a request.

Top 10

Top 100

See the new values 119, 99, 86... which are missing when we did top 5.

That's because the table is ranked by Sum(transaction.duration) not by (max-min timestamp)

Good Discussion Again!!

Absolutely Right but that should be pretty close if you ask for 1000 traces with sum max duration and then sort by the max-min you should get a pretty good idea.. if you have services that have small durations but long min max i.e. they sit in queues for a long time that could be an edge case you miss... BUT you may miss that anyways because a message could be stuck in a queue forever so that is another edge case if stuck in a queue forever or VERY long you may not see it.

If you are looking for 100% coverage of all cases then you will need to build some custom queries and aggregations.

Line Plot:
A line plot is an aggregation within a X bucket / histogram with the Y value
Curious What Value do you expect to be the X-Axis? Trace Ids?
With the Total duration in the Y value, I don't think is going to work well... even if you had the data you wanted

I think you are still trying to answer the question "What are the Top Traces by Total Duration" within the last Time Bucket ... I line graph is probably not going to do that even if you had the data readily available

Bar Chart
Typically that kind of Data Set looks like a Top-N visualization something like this Horizontal Bar Graph (Yes this works like the table)

BTW I enabled Accuracy Mode.

But you would still miss some of the edge cases

Here I added the max - min so you could see both .. again you still might miss edge cases...

This Bar Chart and the Table pretty much work the same with the added benefit as the Table you can ask for 1000 Rows with top sum(duration) and sort by max-min. Seems like that would be a pretty good start.

If you want 100% accuracy/coverage on Very Large Data sets you are going to read/transform the APM data... then work with it... you could use Python or something or get very good with the DSL.

The Machine learning jobs could look at each service and detect anomalous behavior, that is a commercial, however.

These are my observations/suggestion perhaps someone else with have more / different solution.

Let us know what you figure out / decide on...

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