Elastic available online?

Hello, I apologize in advance for my English, I hope it will be understandable.

I'm working on my final year project using ELK Stack to centralize my logs and visualize them better with Kibana.

Currently I have a public address with a correct port forwarding to my machine and the Kibana port to try to be able to connect to it anywhere in order to view my logs.

Before putting it on the Internet I tried to connect to Kibana via an address on the same network and it worked. But when I try to connect from the Internet with my public address it doesn't work.

Does Kibana not allow me to do this, or is it a bad configuration on my part?

Thanks in advance for your help

Can't anyone help me? Because I could really use some help to do this for my thesis.


What is the Kibana configuration? According to the documentation, you should probably set server.publicBaseUrl:

The publicly available URL that end-users access Kibana at. Must include the protocol, hostname, port (if different than the defaults for http and https , 80 and 443 respectively), and the server.basePath (if configured). This setting cannot end in a slash (/ ).

Also look at server.host:

This setting specifies the host of the back end server. To allow remote users to connect, set the value to the IP address or DNS name of the Kibana server. Use to make Kibana listen on all IPs (public and private). Default: "localhost"

Hello ,

The server.host was already set to "" because I needed Kibana to be accessible on the network.

I have just configured server.publicBaseUrl , currently I have "https://{my_public_ip_address}:5601" but despite this Kibana is still not accessible via the Internet.

Am I in the right or is it still a configuration problem?

Are you running it on your machine like a desktop/laptop or on a cloud server?

If you are running it on your desktop/laptop it may not be possible to expose it to the internet, your internet provider may block such things.

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