Elastic Certified Observaibility Trainning Course - Lab 7.3

Course: <Which course are you asking about?> Elastic Certified Observaibility Trainning Course
Version: <And which particular version?> 7.9
Question: <Please add details here!>
I am trying to create a snapshot as per the instructions provided in lab 7.3; it is asking to add the repot path to the config/elasticsearch.yml file.
I opened Strigo and ssh elasticsearch, then I ran the following comamnd to create and open the file:
nano config/elasticsearch.yml

After that I pressed ctrl + x to save and close the file, but I am unable to save it as indicated in the belwo screenshot:

Pressing "Y" to save the file is not working.
I need your help regarding this please.
Thank you!

Hi @Sara_YB ,

are you still having issues with nano? Have you tried other text editor?


Yes, I am still facing the same problem. I am wotking on Strigo plateform so I tried nano only. It is working with all other labs in the course.

Hi @Sara_YB ,

please make sure you are editing ~/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml otherwise nano will not be able to save.

You can use the following command after you ssh elasticsearch:

nano ~/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml


I cannot try this because the license expired:

Is there anyway to update the license?

Hi @Sara_YB ,

can you please try start a trial?


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