Elastic Defend on windows 2012R2


i want integrate elastic defend on server windows 2012R2 we get this warning below:

is there a way we can implement this integration or some sort of Legacy integration we can apply on the servers.

Your options are either using legacy Agent/Defend components with full support for this OS (though some newer stack features would be ignored, even though present in the policy), or update to the latest stack and try.

We've discontinued support for 2012R2 and added a check to prevent accidental upgrade as newer version would BSOD. However we've re-thought the approach, listening to customer feedback, so at some point (I think it's 8.16) we've re-introduced the support, but with limitations. We've reimplemented the part which would make BSOD but we can't guarantee feature parity with newer OSes, just because some features can't work due to OS limitation.

It's reflected in the Support Matrix | Elastic , note the gap in Elastic Defend support for 2012R2

@lesio Thanks for the feedback much appreciate. what confuses is the server already running agent(8.14.3) when i check there on the matrix is not listed there but managed to install successfully what might cause this?

i forgot to mention that the Elastic agent(8.14.3) is already running the issue comes when i try to integrate the defend that where i get there warning/ unhealthy status.

I'm sorry for the confusion, I focused on Elastic Defend (just scroll down the support matrix page).

Indeed Elastic Agent support timeline is on pair with Elastic Defend. IIRC the reason of dropping support on Agent side was that newer versions of Go dropped support for the platform (or perhaps it's still supported if the 2012R2 server OS has all latest system patches installed which could explain why you don't see issues running 8.14.3). Elastic Defend is built with native C/C++/Rust code so there was no issue with starting the binary, so we had to make an explicit runtime prevention check.