Elastic did not load properly. Check the server output for more information

I'm new to the ELK stack. I was able to successfully deploy a functional ELK stack (version 8.2.3, Docker containerized) in my local virtual environment (VirtualBox - Vagrant VM). For development purposes, we have some virtual machines in Azure, which have pretty much the same configuration properties as my local VM. When trying to deploy the stack to one of those, reproducing the exact same steps, I stumbled across errors such as these:

I've tried a multitude of recommendations of previous threads: different (updated) browsers (Chrome, Chrome Dev, Firefox Dev, Edge, Opera); using default configurations or enabling some advanced security and/or disabling security features, setting xpack.security.sameSiteCookies: None , etc., without results. It does not seem to be an issue with the server, since both Elasticsearch and Kibana logs show no errors. In despair, asking for help to a colleague in the team, he was able to successfully start up Kibana pointing to the Azure VM from his PC, with no issues whatsoever. However, on my side, things are still pretty much the same.

Hi @aacorreia , I'm sorry—this sounds very frustrating. What steps have you followed to set this up? Do you see any failed requests in your browser's network tab?

Also worth mentioning that Elastic Cloud is our managed solution. If it makes sense for your project, it can save you the pain of managing your own deployment.

I was finally able to access it from my PC. Suddently just started working after a reboot. But the behaviour is inconsistent. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I have deployed it using pretty much the Docker containarized solution provided by ELK, just adding come conf files in logstash for some try outs on data.
We're not yet in the point of moving to a managed solution (i.e. a subscription), since we really are just starting to explore the technology and checking if it fits our purposes.

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