Elastic not saving data from Filebeat

      docker run -d --name elasticsearch \
    -p 9200 -p 9300  -e "discovery.type=single-node" \

docker run --rm -d --name filebeat \
  --link elasticsearch  --link kibana \
  -v $DATA_HOME:/usr/share/filebeat/samplelogs/ \


- type: log
  enabled: true
    - "/usr/share/filebeat/samplelogs/sample-ngnix-access.log"

setup.kibana.host: "kibana:5601"
  hosts: ["http://elasticsearch:9200"]

Getting the following error

No matching indices found: No indices match pattern "filebeat-*"

Error: No matching indices found: No indices match pattern "filebeat-*"
    at https://kibana.own3.aganitha.ai/bundles/commons.bundle.js:1:699901
    at processQueue (https://kibana.own3.aganitha.ai/bundles/vendors.bundle.js:58:134252)
    at https://kibana.own3.aganitha.ai/bundles/vendors.bundle.js:58:135201
    at Scope.$digest (https://kibana.own3.aganitha.ai/bundles/vendors.bundle.js:58:146077)
    at Scope.$apply (https://kibana.own3.aganitha.ai/bundles/vendors.bundle.js:58:148856)
    at done (https://kibana.own3.aganitha.ai/bundles/vendors.bundle.js:58:101124)
    at completeRequest (https://kibana.own3.aganitha.ai/bundles/vendors.bundle.js:58:106024)
    at XMLHttpRequest.xhr.onload (https://kibana.own3.aganitha.ai/bundles/vendors.bundle.js:58:106783)

I am just getting started with Elastic Stack. Please guide me how to to this.
Thanks is advance

Have you checked the Filebeat log output? And how about the Elasticsearch log output? What's do they say?

You might find this project useful for getting started. It's a docker-compose setup that runs ES, Kibana, and Filebeat in containers. I use it a lot to test things.

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