Elastic Search 2.4.1 Windows Service

Hi to all,
I have a 2.4.1 Elastic Search installed as a service on a windows server.
I was working with ES in c#, I was trying to delete items in a specific index.
Unfortunately I deleted more data than necessary,I immediately made a backup of the folder (i have a snapshot but is too old).
in the file system, in the folders and in files i see the information deleted, obviously they are difficult to understand. So when the ES service starts the data is deleted.
I restored a new instance of ES to test with the folder backup, but when the service starts the data is deleted.
I believe the data is marked for deletion, is there a way to recover and read it in a humane way?
Tanks in advance!

As far as I know there is no tooling available to recover deleted data. You are also using a very, very old version which I personally have not used in many years so I would recommend you upgrade to the latest version as there likely will be more people able to help with more recent versions.

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