Elastic Search Aggregations

I am trying to build small app with facets, I am using NEST to get aggregations.
When I execute the aggregations query using cURL iam getting expected results:
my cURL is

POST product/_search
  "aggs": {
    "group_by_brand": {
      "terms": { "field": "brand.keyword" }

"aggregations" : {
    "group_by_brand" : {
      "doc_count_error_upper_bound" : 0,
      "sum_other_doc_count" : 0,
      "buckets" : [
          "key" : "hokey",
          "doc_count" : 4
          "key" : "ubest",
          "doc_count" : 4
          "key" : "beert",
          "doc_count" : 2

However, I am unable to retrieve the results using NEST.

var node = new Uri("http://localhost:9200");
            var settings = new ConnectionSettings( node).DefaultIndex("product");
            var client = new ElasticClient(settings);

            //create a terms query
            var query = new TermsQuery
                IsVerbatim = true, Field = "brand", Terms = new string[] { "25" },

            var fields = new TestProduct();
            string[] Fields = new[]
            var aggregations = new Dictionary<string, IAggregationContainer>();
            foreach (string sField in Fields)
                var termsAggregation = new TermsAggregation(sField)
                    Field = sField, //"brand.keyword" ,
                    Missing ="N/A"
                aggregations.Add(sField, new AggregationContainer { Terms = termsAggregation });
            //create the search request
            var searchRequest = new SearchRequest
                Query = query,
                From = 0,
                Size = 100,
                Aggregations = aggregations

            var result = client.SearchAsync<AggregationDTO>(searchRequest).Result;

I am getting Valid Nest response but however aggregations values are null.

Can some one advise me, what I am missing.

Thank you in advance.

Just making sure ... first query has ""field": "brand.keyword"" whereas NEST has "fields.brand". Hope its the same field in both examples you are trying.

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