Can you please help us to know, how to identify which index(en_y_**) relates to which document(denmod_y_****) .
a previous copy of the primary shard existed but can no longer be found on the nodes in the cluster
: I don't think there's any way to recover that. Especially since we don't know how this happened.
I don't fully understand the question about the document and the index. Generally, when you find / retrieve a document it should return it's metadata including _index
Thanks for the answer.
Let me give it clearly with the screenshot, as per that you could see en_y_** is an index and below that a field displaye as denmod_y_****. please help me to understand what it actually says.
TBH I don't know what that is — it's not one of our tools. But what you are displaying is a field name or value? Depending on that you could either find it in the mappings or with a query. Though I'm not sure how this relates to the problem.
Above mentioned screenshot is taken from Cerebro tool.
Even after making the indices to green by manually allocating primary shards to a node, Now again the index status is showing in red status. Also the unassigned shards are increased from 132 to 634 now.
Kindly help us on this issue again.
Can you please help us, as we are waiting for your reply for the above query.
Thanks in advance !!!
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