Exception occur while fetching data from elastic: Error for search request

Hi Team,
We are facing below issue for the Elasticsearch. Can you tell me why this issue occur and how can it resolved.

Exception occur while fetching data from elastic: Error for search request: SearchRequest (searchType=DES_QUERY_THEN_FETCH,indices= [mett_otracking_info], indicesOptions=IndicesOptions [ignore_unavailable=false, allow_no _indices=true, expand wildcards_open=true, expand_wildcards_closed=false, allow_aliases_to_multiple_indices=true, forbid_closed_indices=true, ignore_aliases=false], types=[arttrackinginfo], routing='null', preference='null', requestCache=null, scroll-null, maxConcurrentShardRequests=0, batchedReduceSize=512, preFilterShardSize=128, allowPartialSearchResults=null,source= ("from": 0, "size": 10000, "query": ("bool": ("must": [("query string": ("query": "ABCD-987650740-53161", "fields": ["ReferenceNo*1. 0"], "type": "bes _fields", "default_operator": "and", "max _determinized states": 10000, "enable_position increments"; true, "fuzziness": "AUTO", "fuzzy_prefix_length":0, "fuzzy_™ ax_expansions":50, "phrase_slop":0, "escape": false, "auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query"; true, "fuzzy_transpositions":true, "boost" : 1.01)1, "adjust_pure_nega tive": true, "boost": 1.01), "version": truel}

Index: mett_otracking_info
Field: AbcReferenceNo
Value: ABCD-987650740-53161

Thank you.

Hi @Shaista Welcome to the Elastic community. You error is not readable please format in code format. Also It seems you have not mentioned complete exception message. Could you please confirm?

Hi Ashish,

Thanks for your response.
I had mentioned the error in a readable format.

Looking forward to get the solution for the same.


I think mentioned text only showing the searchRequest, Is there any thing else (exception) you getting along with searchRequest?