Hi all, I'm running elasicsearch 1.5.2 embedded in my java app. I spent most of a day trying to add a custom dynamic mapping to my index via the CreateIndexRequestBuilder Java API to disable date detection.
I used the documentation here as my guide:
I kept getting a "Root type mapping not empty after parsing" error any time I tried to add the mapping. Adding the mapping via the REST API always worked fine.
After a lot of forum searching (which didn't help) and fiddling around I discovered the "mappings" node in the example needed to be removed when using the Java API.
This is the JSON the guide says to use with the REST API:
"mappings": {
"my_type": {
"date_detection": false
This is the JSON I had to use to get the Java API to work:
"my_type": {
"date_detection": false
I couldn't find documentation about that anywhere. If it exists, could someone point me in the right direction so I know for next time? I think it would be very helpful to have more examples of how to use the Java API along side the REST API, especially for calls that require you to supply a JSON document as input.