Elastic Search Mapping Issue


I have renamed the field in logstash using mutate filter.
When a plot histogram, elastic search says field not found as below
"Caused by: org.elasticsearch.search.facet.FacetPhaseExecutionException: Facet [1]: (value) field [HeapUsed] not found".

"HeapUsed" is my renamed field.

Do i have to create a new field in elastic search mapping template for renamed field?

hi, there can be few reasons:

  • did you convert the field type as part of the mutate (from string to float for example)? that may cause mapper parsing exception when trying to index new docs, and therefore the aggregation on the field fails.
  • another reason the field is not found might be if you disable dynamic mapping in elasticsearch.

yes I have renamed and converted the field type. Still it is the functionality of the mutate filter in logstash ?

I have resolved this error.
Problem was related to date filter.