Elastic Search matrix_stats on both nested and non nested value

we have a doc structure

  score: 10,
  list: [  // nested type
      id : 3,
      value: 10
      id: 4
      value: 20
      id: 5,
      value: 15
  score: 1,
  list: [
      id : 3,
      value: 4
      id: 4
      value: 3
      id: 5,
      value: 2

we're trying to do matrix_stats aggregation on field “score” and nested field “value” and considering only specific ids like 4,

we couldn't find a way to do matrix_stats aggregation on both nested(list.value) and non nested(score) field

example, in 1st doc score is 10 and value of nested list matching id = 4 is 20 … likewise any possible ways to get the value by scripts or runtimeMapping etc….

or is there any way we can access parent field inside nested aggregation for matrix_stats aggregation

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