Elastic Search Percolation of Existing document doesn't work

Elastic Search Percolation of Existing document doesn't work.
I tries the below example.
Indexed the below document.
POST http://localhost:9200/abc/cand/230
"doc": {
"message":"Java C# Bangalore"

Indexed the below query
POST http://localhost:9200/abc/.percolator/2702
"query" : {
"match" : {
"message" : "Bangalore"

GET http://localhost:9200/abc/cand/230/_percolate
"took": 5,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
"successful": 5,
"failed": 0
"total": 0,
"matches": []

zero matches was retuned. It should have returned 'Bangalore'. When I give the document in the body while precolating, I am getting the matches. Only this percolation of Existing document doesn't work.

You should get an error stating "Strict field resolution and no field mapping can be found for the field with name [message]" when percolating your query because there's no message field in the cand mapping type (there is a doc.message field, though)

Assuming your initial document is the following one (i.e. without the "doc": { ... })

   "message":"Java C# Bangalore"	

Then the percolation will work.

Thanks a lot..It worked!!!!