Elastic server is not starting

We are using |MediaWiki|1.39.3|
|[PHP] 8.1.20 |
|[MySQL 8.0.31|
Elastic Search 7.10.2

Now when we are disabling this volumemount
- type: azure-blob
name: storage
storage: elasticsearch-data
path: /usr/share/elasticsearch/data

then we are able to ealstic searver is up & running . But when we r running the jobs , so that indexes will create & we r able to search pages in mediawiki search engine. we are getting errors .

Also need to understand if we disbale this volumemount then is our data going to
store somewhere else too, or we need to enable it . As after enabling it we are getting errors.

Also we dont have any option to upgrade the Elastic search verison as Mediawiki suggested to use 7.10.2 version for MW 1.39.3


Uploading: image.png...

7.10.2 is EOL and no longer supported. Please upgrade ASAP.

(This is an automated response from your friendly Elastic bot. Please report this post if you have any suggestions or concerns :elasticheart: )

Elasticsearch requires storage that acts the same way as a local disk so using blob storage is not supported. I suspect you will need to use Premium SSD or Standard SSD stoarge for Elasticsearch.

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