Elastic system indices migration issue while upgrade


I am upgrading elastic from 6.8 to 7.17.0 and then 8.x.x.

From version 6.8 to 7.17 migration was fine but while preparing to migrate from version 7.17 to 8.x.x upgrade assistant is not able to migrate this one(Tasks) hidden indices, others are migrated successfully.

and, in the elastic logs showing the followingrat error.

> [2023-10-04T20:47:34,705][INFO ][o.e.u.SystemIndexMigrator] 
[xyz.server.com] preparing to migrate old index [.tasks] from feature [tasks] to new index [.tasks-reindexed-for-8]
[2023-10-04T20:47:34,765][INFO ][o.e.u.SystemIndexMigrator] [xyz.server.com] migrating index [.tasks] from feature [tasks] to new index [.tasks-reindexed-for-8]
[2023-10-04T20:47:34,767][INFO ][o.e.c.m.MetadataCreateIndexService] [xyz.server.com] failed on parsing mappings on index creation [.tasks-reindexed-for-8]
> org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperParsingException: 
Failed to parse mapping [_doc]: Root mapping definition has unsupported parameters:  [task : {_meta={version=7.17.0}, dynamic=strict, properties={task={properties={node={type=keyword}, headers={type=object, enabled=false}, 
parent_task_id={type=keyword}, running_time_in_nanos={type=long}, action={type=keyword}, 
description={type=text}, start_time_in_millis={type=long}, id={type=long}, type={type=keyword}, cancellable={type=boolean}, status={type=object, enabled=false}}}, response={type=object, enabled=false}, completed={type=boolean}, error={type=object, enabled=false}}}]

Could someone please help on this.


have you tried Restore an entire cluster ?

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