We have installed the ElasticSearch 5.4.1 and unable to start service through command prompt as well as windows service.
When we run using elasticsearch.bat command, it log few warnings in error logs as given below.
[WARN ][o.e.d.z.ZenDiscovery ] [WDDCEDSES01] not enough master nodes discovered during pinging (found [[Candidate{node={WDDCEDSES01}{66FD7aC8SQOqzGSwt-M7hw}{OKiyRa19QuaOt5EVVjl-IA}{}{}, clusterStateVersion=-1}]], but needed [2]), pinging again
When we try to run using the command 'elasticsearch-service start ELASTICSEARCH
.GLB_PRODUCT_CATALOG', we are getting failed error as given below.
When we run through Windows service, it was starting and stopping immediately by prompting below alert.
Windows could not start the Elasticsearch 5.4.1 (ELASTICSEARCH.****) service on Local Computer.
Error 1067: the process terminated unexpectedly.
Note that I was able to run the command "elasticsearch-service manager ELASTICSEARCH.****" from command prompt.
Appreciate if someone can help to trace the issue.