ElasticSearch 5.x should query vs filtering

I have a problem with results come from an ES query. Filtering a query gives some confusing results, and I don't know how to overcome of it. So:

                    "fields":["Name", "Description", "Text"]
                    "must": [
                        {"terms": {"Id": [1, 2]}},
                        {"term": {"_type": "Project"}}

What I want here is: get all records whose Name, or Description, or Text is match the query OR all Projects (it's a _type in the mapping), whose Id 1, or 2. The results seems exactly what I expected, I got eg: 5 hits, 2 Contact _type (matches "searchquery"), 1 Project (matches "searchquery") and 2 projects with Id 1, or 2. Good!

But I have some authorization, so not all users access all Modules (Projects have another field eg: ModuleId).

So I want to restrict the results to specific ModuleIds:

                    "fields":["Name", "Description", "Text"]
                    "must": [
                        {"terms": {"Id": [1, 2]}},
                        {"term": {"_type": "Project"}}
            "filter": [
                {"terms": {"ModuleId": [9, 5]}}

And boom! In the result I got all, whose match the above query and all Projects with ModuleId 9, or 5. What I want is to narrow the results, not broaden them. I've tried many combinations with should, must, filter(bool filter as well). I've also tried post_filter which "magically" gives me the expected result, but I have some aggregations as well (not in this example), sot it is not an option.

I think the easiest would be to add a minimum_should_match parameter set to 1 to your outer bool query.

Here's an explanation of the parameter:


The reason for the behaviour you are seeing is explained in more detail here which also has a hint towards the minimum_should_match docs:


"The clause (query) should appear in the matching document. In a boolean query with no must or filter clauses, one or more should clauses must match a document."

Hope this helps,

Works, like a charm, thank you!

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