Matched Queries not always functioning

Using ES 5.2.0.

When I do:

{'query': {'bool': {'filter': {'bool': {'should': [{'bool': {'filter': {'bool': {'should': [{'term': {'title_raw': {'value': 'stylebubble', '_name': 'stylebubble'}}}], 'must': ({'type': {'value': 'editorial_source'}},)}}}}]}}}}}

I get the right return with matched-queries:

{u'hits': {u'hits': [{u'_score': 0.0, u'_type': u'editorial_source', u'_id': u'3a34655e-84d4-11e6-a5d1-3b1a0960c5bb', u'matched_queries': [u'stylebubble'], u'_index': u'triangulr'}], u'total': 1, u'max_score': 0.0}, u'_shards': {u'successful': 1, u'failed': 0, u'total': 1}, u'took': 11, u'timed_out': False}

But if I do multiple matched-queries ( i'm searching for 5 different types), the first one no longer works (but all the other work, while I'm pasting only 2 here):

{'query': {'bool': {'filter': {'bool': {'should': [{'bool': {'filter': {'bool': {'should': [{'term': {'title_raw': {'value': 'stylebubble', '_name': 'stylebubble'}}}], 'must': ({'type': {'value': 'editorial_source'}},)}}}}, {'bool': {'filter': {'bool': {'should': [{'term': {'name_raw': {'value': 'stylebubble', '_name': 'stylebubble'}}}, {'term': {'slug': {'value': 'stylebubble', '_name': 'stylebubble'}}}, {'term': {'aliases': {'value': 'stylebubble', '_name': 'stylebubble'}}}], 'must': ({'type': {'value': 'brand'}}, {'range': {'visible_product_count': {'gte': 5}}})}}}}]}}}}}


u'hits': {u'hits': [{u'_score': 0.0, u'_type': u'editorial_source', u'_id': u'3a34655e-84d4-11e6-a5d1-3b1a0960c5bb', u'_index': u'triangulr'}], u'total': 1, u'max_score': 0.0}, u'_shards': {u'successful': 1, u'failed': 0, u'total': 1}, u'took': 6, u'timed_out': False}

What am I doing wrong or is it just a bug ?

can you please provide a full reproduction including documents, index mappings and if possible HTTP or kibana console calls? This way other readers would at least have the possibility to reproduce your issue.

Can you try this python script ? You will see that the 2nd search doesn't have the matched_queries attribute.

Assuming you have ES 5.2 listening on default 9200 port:::

    from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
    es = Elasticsearch()
    the_index = {
        'settings': {'number_of_shards': 1, 'number_of_replicas': 0, 'refresh_interval': 0},
        'mappings': {
            'test': {
                'properties': {
                    'field1': {'type': 'keyword'},
                    'field2': {'type': 'keyword'},
                    'field3': {'type': 'keyword'},
    if es.indices.exists('the_test'):
        es.indices.create('the_test', body=the_index)
    es.index('the_test', 'test', {'field1': ['bum'], 'field2': 'bum', 'field3': '#bum'}, refresh=True)
    print('the_test', body={'query':{'bool': {'filter': {'bool':{'must':[{'term': {'field1': {'value': 'bum', '_name': 'bum'}}}]}}}}}, _source=False))
    print('the_test', body={'query':{'bool': {'filter': {'bool':{'should':[
        {'term': {'field1': {'value': 'bum', '_name': 'bum'}}},
        {'term': {'field2': {'value': 'bum', '_name': 'bum'}}},
        {'term': {'field3': {'value': 'bum', '_name': 'bum'}}},
    ]}}}}}, _source=False))

Seems like a bug, no ?


Explanation + fix :

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