Elasticsearch < 7.0.0 is obsoleted by elasticsearch-0:7.0.1-1.x86_64

Hi all,

I am trying to upgrade elasticsearch from 6.3.2 to 7.0.1 on CentOS (CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)). I am getting "elasticsearch < 7.0.0 is obsoleted by elasticsearch-0:7.0.1-1.x86_64" error when I try to run rpm --install. Does anyone has clue what this means?

I am following "Download and install the RPM manuall" steps at: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/rpm.html#install-rpm

[root@p ~]# wget --no-check-certificate https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.0.1-x86_64.rpm
[root@p ~]# wget --no-check-certificate https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.0.1-x86_64.rpm.sha512

[root@p ~]# rpm --install elasticsearch-7.0.1-x86_64.rpm
warning: elasticsearch-7.0.1-x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA512 Signature, key ID d88e42b4: NOKEY
error: Failed dependencies:
elasticsearch < 7.0.0 is obsoleted by elasticsearch-0:7.0.1-1.x86_64

Thank you in advance,

I was able to complete the install with:

[root@p ~]# yum localinstall elasticsearch-7.0.1-x86_64.rpm
  elasticsearch.x86_64 0:7.0.1-1

  elasticsearch.noarch 0:6.3.2-1


Hope this helps.

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