Elasticsearch 7.5 erros?


Happy new year.

It seems Spark Streaming job was slow into Elasticsearch.

I check master and find this erros in log ?

[...] only morning :

[2021-01-04T01:59:56,349][WARN ][o.e.x.m.e.l.LocalExporter] [opu309_master_9] unexpected error while indexing monitoring document
org.elasticsearch.xpack.monitoring.exporter.ExportException: org.elasticsearch.common.ValidationException: Validation Failed: 1: this action would add [1] total shards, but this cluster currently has [36000]/[36000] maximum shards open

[...] many circuit breaker

[2021-01-04T14:29:18,108][WARN ][o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] [opu309_master_9] failing shard [failed shard, shard [.monitoring-es-7-2021.01.04][0], node[LhnkRvT_SHO2cTd-0PCaxw], [R], s[STARTED], a[id=2Pm8xcIqQgawHEgKdWRD2g], message [failed to perform indices:data/write/bulk[s] on replica [.monitoring-es-7-2021.01.04][0], node[LhnkRvT_SHO2cTd-0PCaxw], [R], s[STARTED], a[id=2Pm8xcIqQgawHEgKdWRD2g]], failure [RemoteTransportException[[opvuc3505_master_90][][indices:data/write/bulk[s][r]]]; nested: CircuitBreakingException[[parent] Data too large, data for [<transport_request>] would be [15323042428/14.2gb], which is larger than the limit of [15300820992/14.2gb], real usage: [15323036912/14.2gb], new bytes reserved: [5516/5.3kb], usages [request=0/0b, fielddata=11911397/11.3mb, in_flight_requests=11468/11.1kb, accounting=487538592/464.9mb]]; ], markAsStale [true]]
org.elasticsearch.transport.RemoteTransportException: [opvuc3505_master_90][][indices:data/write/bulk[s][r]]
Caused by: org.elasticsearch.common.breaker.CircuitBreakingException: [parent] Data too large, data for [<transport_request>] would be [15323042428/14.2gb], which is larger than the limit of [15300820992/14.2gb], real usage: [15323036912/14.2gb], new bytes reserved: [5516/5.3kb], usages [request=0/0b, fielddata=11911397/11.3mb, in_flight_requests=11468/11.1kb, accounting=487538592/464.9mb]

[...] somes full gc

[2021-01-04T08:57:15,848][INFO ][o.e.m.j.JvmGcMonitorService] [opu309_master_9] [gc][young][1193986][278302] duration [770ms], collections [1]/[1.6s], total [770ms]/[9.4h], memory [9.1gb]->[9.3gb]/[15gb], all_pools {[young] [216mb]->[0b]/[0b]}{[old] [8.9gb]->[9.1gb]/[15gb]}{[survivor] [28mb]->[160mb]/[0b]}

[...] many gc

[2021-01-04T16:10:18,408][INFO ][o.e.m.j.JvmGcMonitorService] [opu309_master_9] [gc][1219901] overhead, spent [257ms] collecting in the last [1s]
[2021-01-04T16:18:27,412][INFO ][o.e.m.j.JvmGcMonitorService] [opu309_master_9] [gc][1220389] overhead, spent [287ms] collecting in the last [1s]
[2021-01-04T16:19:26,620][INFO ][o.e.m.j.JvmGcMonitorService] [opu309_master_9] [gc][1220448] overhead, spent [267ms] collecting in the last [1s]
[2021-01-04T16:21:26,937][INFO ][o.e.m.j.JvmGcMonitorService] [opvu370_master_0] [gc][1220568] overhead, spent [292ms] collecting in the last [1s]
[2021-01-04T16:23:07,209][INFO ][o.e.m.j.JvmGcMonitorService] [opu309_master_9] [gc][1220668] overhead, spent [267ms] collecting in the last [1s]
[2021-01-04T16:26:18,337][INFO ][o.e.m.j.JvmGcMonitorService] [opu309_master_9] [gc][1220859] overhead, spent [260ms] collecting in the last [1s]
[2021-01-04T16:26:27,350][INFO ][o.e.m.j.JvmGcMonitorService] [opu309_master_9] [gc][1220868] overhead, spent [302ms] collecting in the last [1s]
[2021-01-04T16:26:57,398][INFO ][o.e.m.j.JvmGcMonitorService] [opu309_master_9] [gc][1220898] overhead, spent [289ms] collecting in the last [1s]
[2021-01-04T16:29:57,163][INFO ][o.e.m.j.JvmGcMonitorService] [opu309_master_9] [gc][1221077] overhead, spent [307ms] collecting in the last [1s]


Conf JVM des masters (3 instances) :


Conf JVM des data (36) et coord (2 instances)


Conf elasticsearch.yml ("specials")

network.host: ["_eth1:ipv4_",_local_]^M
xpack.monitoring.enabled: true
xpack.monitoring.collection.enabled: true
indices.memory.index_buffer_size: 15%
processors: 10
    size: 13
    queue_size: 1000
    size: 9
    queue_size: 1000

Sharding :

Shards : 
  "active_primary_shards" : 17913
  "active_shards" : 36000

Do you think i have a big problem on my side ?

Archi : 10 physical machines (32 cpu 280 Go RAM) with multi instances (four instances JVM by hosts)



Hi @Beuhlet_Reseau

A couple things...

  1. You have exceeded the index.routing.allocation.total_shards_per_node which looks like it is set to 1000 shards / node seeing as you have 36 Data nodes.

With that in mind 1000 shards per node is probably a bit high typically we say try to stay to 10-20 shards per GB of Heap so lets say for ~30GB heap perhaps 600 per node. There a lot of factors that can affect this so this is just guidance.

Here is a good blog on the topic

  1. The second thing I notice is that the setting for JVM Heap size for the data nodes is not optimum. Please read the below at 32GB you are no longer using compressed object pointers so you are not getting the best use of the Heap.

"Ideally set Xmx and Xms to no more than the threshold for zero-based compressed oops; the exact threshold varies but 26 GB is safe on most systems, but can be as large as 30 GB on some systems. You can verify that you are under this threshold by starting Elasticsearch with the JVM options -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+PrintCompressedOopsMode and looking for a line like the following:"


Thanks for reply.

I will look to reduce oversharding :frowning:

About JVM, you are ok with my with my vision? :

Physical machine = 32 cpu - 280 Go memory.

I adjust the values in jvm.options / elasticsearch.yml to take into account the 4 instances

In elastic.yml :
processors: 10
=> this should be 32 cpu / 4 = 8 processors no ?

In jvm.options :
=> ParallelGCThreads (for 32 cpu=> 24 => divided by 4 => ParallelGCThreads=5)


But how i can use compressed objectf ? Logs show not used :

 heap size [32gb], compressed ordinary object pointers [false]


You need to properly set the heap as explained in the docs I linked too above , did you read that?

The heap should be set to less than 32GB the exact value is dependent on you host OS. The docs explain how to determine.

You can start with 26GB and work your way up

Yes, i don't understand what is exact value, but in log :

Bzfore :

heap size[30gb], compressed ordinary object pointers [true]


heap size [32gb], compressed ordinary object pointers [false]

If i follow, It is more interesting to reduce the HEAP to benefit from the compressed ordinary object pointers at true ? (I ask because it is rare to reduce a HEAP when we sometimes have OOM)

Thanks for help Stephenb.

Yes, a smaller heap can give you more usable memory as you use/waste less due to smaller pointers. Have a look at this blog post for more details.

1 Like

Yup... it is a bit odd but true... so looks like 30GB is good for your system.

For further explanation look at the blog post @Christian_Dahlqvist referenced ... he beat me to it :wink:

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