Elasticsearch 7.7 : field expansion matches too many fields, limit: 1024, got: 1139

I am using ES 7.7 and indexed around 70K data. I also verified index has around 540 fields by invokinghttp://es_host:port/2/_mapping.

While performing simple search query I am getting query_shard_exception.

    GET http://es_host:port/2/_search?q=*
      "root_cause" : [
    	"type" : "query_shard_exception",
    	"reason" : "failed to create query: field expansion matches too many fields, limit: 1024, got: 1139"

Same error I am facing for query having bool must clause which has only 3 terms.
I was using ES 5.5.3 earlier and did not face this issue and only getting after migrated to ES 7.7


  1. Why am I getting this error ? How to resolve above issue ?
  2. If solution is to specify indices.query.bool.max_clause_count then what should be the max allowed value? [my fields are dynamic and I can create N number of fields]
  3. If my index has around 540 fields, then why 1139 fields has been mentioned in es error ?
  4. Is there any solution apart from #2 ?
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