I am searching data in a time range "2024-09-20".
I made sure that the user "administrador" has permission to generate csv report and the sentence is ommited
Hi @RobertC1 I'm glad you solved the problem here. Just FYI: I see a missing comma at the end of the line starting with "from": "2023-09-20", turning this into invalid JSON. This is likely the cause.
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from datetime import datetime
# Elasticsearch URL
ELASTICSEARCH_URL = "http://localhost:9200"
# Elasticsearch username and password
USERNAME = "elastic"
PASSWORD = "xxxx"
# Create Elasticsearch client with basic authentication
es = Elasticsearch([ELASTICSEARCH_URL], basic_auth=(USERNAME, PASSWORD))
# Get the current date and time
# Check if the connection is successful
if not es.ping():
print("Could not connect to Elasticsearch")
start_date = "2023-09-05T00:00:00"
end_date = "2023-09-05T23:59:59"
# Define the date range
# Initial search query with date range
query = {
"size": 10000, # Number of documents to retrieve per scroll
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"range": {
"@timestamp": {
"gte": start_date,
"lte": end_date
"sort": [
{"nodo": {"order": "asc"}}
# Execute initial search request with scroll
response = es.search(index="trx_hours_history", body=query, scroll="1s")
# Store unique document identifiers to avoid duplicates
seen_ids = set()
# Process initial search response
scroll_id = response["_scroll_id"]
hits = response["hits"]["hits"]
total_hits = response["hits"]["total"]["value"]
# Process the first batch of results
for hit in hits:
source = hit["_source"]
doc_id = hit["_id"] # Get document ID
# Check if the document ID has been seen before
if doc_id not in seen_ids:
fecha = source.get("@timestamp")
nodo = source.get("nodo")
nodo_str = str(nodo).zfill(2)
base = source.get("base")
sp = source.get("sp")
cant_trn = source.get("cant_trn")
cant_format = "{:,}".format(cant_trn)
segundo_prom = source.get("segundo_prom")
if segundo_prom is not None:
segundo_div = segundo_prom / 1000
Thanks for sharing your code. I think it could be super useful for the community. If you don't mind, I'd mark it as a solution for your post so people can get inspiration from it.
I don't really remember, I believe it was a mix of a youtube video and chatgpt.
It was sunday and late and when I found the python solution, I didn't insist with the curl command.
Best Regards.
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