Elasticsearch 8.17 on windows server start problem when es7.16 starts fine

Could you please, help me overcome this problem. I cannot start ES8.17 on this windows server from folder via elsticsearch.bat, when es7.17 works fine locally, from the his folder via elsticsearch.bat. Another es7.14 is running as service, if this matters. Elasticsearch.yml is default - only port is changed to 9201.
Appreciate any help
Best regards Maki.

[2025-01-17T13:06:59,980][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [PLVSR0133] Default Locale [en_US] [2025-01-17T13:07:00,806][ERROR][o.e.b.Elasticsearch      ] [PLVSR0133] fatal exception while booting Elasticsearchjava.lang.IllegalStateException: failed to load plugin repository-url due to jar hell  at org.elasticsearch.server@8.17.0/org.elasticsearch.plugins.PluginsUtils.checkBundleJarHell(PluginsUtils.java:352)       at org.elasticsearch.server@8.17.0/org.elasticsearch.plugins.PluginsService.loadBundles(PluginsService.java:295)        at org.elasticsearch.server@8.17.0/org.elasticsearch.plugins.PluginsService.<init>(PluginsService.java:166)        at org.elasticsearch.server@8.17.0/org.elasticsearch.node.NodeServiceProvider.newPluginService(NodeServiceProvider.java:56)        at org.elasticsearch.server@8.17.0/org.elasticsearch.node.NodeConstruction.createEnvironment(NodeConstruction.java:476)
See logs for more details.
ERROR: Elasticsearch did not exit normally - check the logs at C:\ES\elasticsearch-8.17.0\logs\elasticsearch.log
ERROR: Elasticsearch died while starting up, with exit code 1


The jar-hell seems to indicate a conflict of multiple different jars within the same JVM instance.
A guess is that the other instance you are trying to start is still using the previous config dir, and path settings.

If you want to run 2 instances on the same machine (not recommended unless you have a huge amount of RAM), then you need to change some settings. See Configuring Elasticsearch | Elasticsearch Guide [8.17] | Elastic

What helped? For those who has ald java folder on your machne, for example IBM software.
The set classpath= ... where we have setup path for old java. After this elastic started normally as the second elastic service on the same machine. Of course you should work with config.yaml to set up port number, paths for log and data etc ... security or nodes. Now it is working fine.

It looks like ES7.17 is not reading classes path, but 8.16 does. That is why we had problem to start 8.16 while 7.17 started normally. Be aware of this. Br M.