Elasticsearch 8.8 dynamic search request query

SearchResponse<ObjectNode> searchResponse = elasticsearchClient.search(req -> req.index(index)
                                    .from((pageNumber - 1) * pageSize)
                                    .source(SourceConfig.of(s -> s.filter(f -> f.includes(queryDto.getQuery().getSelect()))))
                                    .query(subQuery -> subQuery.bool(bool -> bool

How can I build the search request query dynamically by adding .sort() or .from() or .size() only if sortOptions and pageSize are available.

The builder lambda functions don't have to be simple expressions and can contain arbitrary logic. The code below should be what you're looking for:

SearchResponse<ObjectNode> searchResponse = elasticsearchClient.search(req -> {
        .source(SourceConfig.of(s -> s
            .filter(f -> f
        .query(subQuery -> subQuery.bool(bool -> bool
        if (pageSize > 0) {
            req.from((pageNumber - 1) * pageSize).size(pageSize);
        if (sortOptions != null) {
        return req;
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Thank you very much @swallez for your answer. Really appreciate your support.

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