How to create dynamic Query DSL for Includes

I have this query:

.Search<Person>("person", s => s
    .Source(s => s
        .Includes(i => i
                f => f.Id,
    .Query(q => q
        .Match(m => m

and I try to make include dynamic with if-else in the code below:

public Func<SourceFilterDescriptor<Person>, ISourceFilter> PersonIncludeBuilder
    var fields = new List<Func<FieldsDescriptor<Person>, FieldsDescriptor<Person>>>();
    fields.Add(f => f.Field(f => f.Id));

        fields.Add(f => f.Field(f => f.Name));

    return //How to convert to Func<SourceFilterDescriptor<Person>, ISourceFilter> or are they other way to do it?;

Am I on the right track or are they otherways to do it?

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