I am trying to build an ElasticSearch cluster on Azure. I have done it successfully for testing purposes with 3 VM's under the same virtual network. It functioned very good.
Because of my subscription limits, I distrubuted those 3 VM into 3 different subscription. The only difference was that the VM's were not under the same virtual network, it wasn't possible because of the different subscriptions and structure of Azure... I used public ip's for my publish_host settings. It works for 5-6 minutes, I can create indices or do CRUD operations. After a few minutes the child nodes becomes unresponsive, _cluster/health does not respond and I can only reach to the master node which shows me health of the cluster is GREEN, but it is not.
If I try to create an index it fails to create shards, stucks, because of the unresponsive child nodes. I tried many things like different configuration combinations since a week but I could not find a solution. I checked all the logs they does not provide any information even when I set them to Debug or Trace mode. All I get is the unreachable node errors from master node after ca. 10 minutes. I am posting my configuration details:
Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04, default image provided by Canonical, 9200 and 9300 ports are open.
Java Version: oracle-java8
ElasticSearch: 2.3.3 and 2.3.4 both same.
I can also provide my logs if you want but there is no clue as I understand it.
cluster.name: Alpha
node.name: Vulcan
network.host: _eth0_ #tried too. eth0 is a local ip address like or assigned by the nic.
network.publish_host: myes1.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com # I have to use this parameter when my nodes are not under the same network, but setting this variable creates the problem I explained.
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["myes1.westeurope.com","myes2.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com","myes3.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com"]
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 2
logs: /var/log/elasticsearch
data: /var/data/elasticsearch