ElasticSearch docker swarm unreachable

We have 3 cluster node elasticsearch setup via docker-compose in a swarm with node 01 as manager and 02 and 03 as worker nodes.

I left the worker nodes 02 & 03 using docker swarm leave & node 01, It gave me an alert
"you are currently attempting to leave swarm on a node as a manager. Removing the last manager erases all current state of teh swarm. use --force to ignore this message.

and then ran ‘docker swarm leave --force’ on the manager node.

The application https://:/_cluster/heath was accessible before but after leaving the node URL became unreachable . How to get back in? Please assist.


Can you provide more context?

Manager and worker are not Elasticsearch concepts, so it is not clear what you are referring to.

Elasticsearch nodes have specific roles, like master and data.

Please, provide more context about your Elasticsearch configuration.

We tried restoring the server to a preious snapshot but still issue persists. Please share possible solutions.

P.S.- I can still get into the docker by running docker exec -it es01 sh & can see nodes with docker ps -a
so i’m unsure if this is the right behavior but the URL is inaccessible.We restored the server to a preious snapshot but still issue persists. Please share any possible solutions

You need to provide more context, it is not clear what is your issue or if this is an Elasticsearch issue or a Docker issue.