ElasticSearch - docs deleted count reduced


For debugging I have checked one of currently writing indices shows the following results

4 days before the following response i got

health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size
green open order-feed--201908 ApSD8D7tSb-zC1bb92Vzrg 2 1 39864412 117962312 235.9gb 122gb

I have checked after 4 days , the recent response shows,

health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size
green open order-feed--201908 ApSD8D7tSb-zC1bb92Vzrg 2 1 42360806 33008678 108gb 57gb

I would like to know the behavior of docs.deleted.

I Didn't call any force_segments API or any other things on that index. Only update API called on that index.

How the docs.deleted count is reduced in this case. Any help would be appreciated.

merging happens automatically in the background and will change the number of deleted documents by reducing the number of segments and removing deleted document during that process.

Hi Alexandar,

Thanks for the reply, Understands merging happens automatically.

So the default merging segment size is 5 GB, the indexing process was completed in that index.

So far few segments merged with size to 5.0 GB. Other segments are not merged upto 5 GB(max segment size).

I would like to understand

Why the other segments are not merged upto 5GB, Even though no indexing happened at the index/cluster?

How the floor segments work with the index.

Can we define the max/min no of segments count for index.

FYI, We are running separate force_merge api for older indices to make the segment 1 per shard.

in order to decide when merging needs to happen and for which segments, lucene uses a so called merge policy. You may want to read about it in lucene, and also take a look at the https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/blob/master/server/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/index/EsTieredMergePolicy.java policy used in elasticsearch and follow the links in there.

Thanks Alexander , Sounds good . Let me have a deep look on this.

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