Elasticsearch docs purging


Is there a ES function that can replace the epoch time? Currently we purge the doc according to ttl for past 35 days. is there a better way to handle it?

"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"exists" : {
"field" : "hubtimestamp"
"script": {
"script": {
"lang": "expression",
"source": "((doc["ttl_i"].value ==0 ? 35 :doc["ttl_i"].value) 2460601000)+ doc["hubtimestamp"].value <=datenow",
"params": {
"datenow": {$EPOCH_TIME} <<<<==== need ES function to populate the value.


From the outside it seems to me as if you are trying to solve the wrong problem. How about having time-based indices (weekly, daily, whatever), which will allow you to simply delete a whole index after 35 days. This is much easier and much cheaper to do, than trying to delete documents based on a query.

If you have per document TTLs you could index those documents based on their TTL and basically do the same.

If this is not an option, why not add a fixed TTL timestamp on index time, so that deletion becomes easier by just specifying a date range, this way you would not need a script?


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