Elasticsearch document update and insertio using update api

I want to ingest data using Python code, and if data is already available, I just want to update it with the given document for that ID. So far, I have tried this.
Using Elasticsearch 8.6.1

import elasticsearch 
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
es = Elasticsearch("http://localhost:9200")

## I have created an index with two fields one is name & class just to test

## already inserted data is :-1: 

# defining a dictionary with key value pair and inserting it into es if data id exist it will update it but if not found it ill create it .
#So i just want to know is this approach is write or not. 
a = {"name":"shanks"}
body =  {
    "doc":{ a,},"doc_as_upsert" :True

status = es.update(index="image_text",body=body,id=4)

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