Elasticsearch Hour data

Hi All,

how do i get specific hour data of last 30 days from elasticsearch query.

Kindly help me. Thanks in Advacne.

Add a range condition on your timestamp field to your query.

hi magnusbaeck,

I need Every day count of that specific hour .

Ex: 2016-11-05 -- 01 hr count 25
2016-11-06-- 01 hr count 30

Oh, that's something completely different. Then you need a date histogram aggregation.

Ok, Thank you,

Is there any way of doing aggregations on data histogram..

for example 2016-11-05 -- 01 hr count 25
2016-11-06-- 01 hr count 30

 So avg count of specific 01 hr is  (25+30)/2-----55/2=25.25

:hushed: is it possible

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