Whenever I am doing Get _cat/nodes from kibana getting this:
Error:”bad gateway”,
“Message”: client request timeout”
Also logs are coming in elastic index slow and in elastic logs it’s showing continuously:
[2024-10-2512:44:17,179][WARN I[o.e.t.TransportService 1 lyball1v355 ca12] Received response for a request that has timed out, sent [20.2/20209ms) ago, timed out [10.25/10205ms] ago, action [cluster:monitor/nodes/stats[n]l, node [yball1v355ca12HOA1DKLJoT4yfNNW-p9kkJg)LixJQ-
(xpack.installed=true)], id [23113635]
Kindly guide how to troubleshoot rca…though cluster state is green itself.