Elasticsearch mapping fields in python script gives error as "unsupported parameters"

Mapping configuration are as follows:

es_mapping = {
            'properties': {
                'university': {
                    'type': 'object',
                    'properties': {
                        'name': {'type': 'text'},
                'first_name': {'type': 'text'},
                'last_name': {'type': 'text'},
                'age': {'type': 'short'},
                'year_in_school': {'type': 'text'},
                'name_complete': {
                    'type': 'completion',  # you have to make a method for completition for sure!
                    'analyzer': 'simple',
                    'payloads': True,  # note that we have to provide payload while updating
                    'preserve_separators': True,
                    'preserve_position_increments': True,
                    'max_input_length': 50,
                "course_names": {
                    "type": "text", 

Using above mapping when script is getting executed it gives following error:
elasticsearch.exceptions.RequestError: TransportError(400, u'mapper_parsing_exception', u'Mapping definition for [name_complete] has unsupported parameters: [payloads : true]')

By commenting this mapping I tried to run script but it fails while loading data with the following error:
u'error': {u'caused_by': {u'reason': u'unknown field name [payload], must be one of [input, weight, contexts]', u'type': u'illegal_argument_exception'}, u'reason': u'failed to parse', u'type': u'mapper_parsing_exception'}


a general tip with the forum: please enclose code snippets in "```" otherwise the snippet is very hard to read. I edited your question so it is properly formatted.

You define the name_complete field to be used with a completion suggester, however you are using an unsupported parameter payloads (see docs) so the fix is to remove that parameter.


Got it, Thank you Daniel.

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