I am running ES 2.3.5 in a standalone mode [not as a service]. The instance hangs in the initialization phase without any listener on port 9200. I am using jre1.8.0_111. I explicitly enabled ports 9200 and 9300 on my firewall settings but that did not help either
Here are the logs for the same having enabled debug logs
[2017-01-17 12:35:52,183][DEBUG][bootstrap ] console control handler receives event [0@0]
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,080][DEBUG][bootstrap ] Windows ActiveProcessLimit initialization successful
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,081][DEBUG][bootstrap ] console ctrl handler correctly set
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,085][DEBUG][bootstrap ] sun.boot.class.path: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_111\lib\resources.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_111\lib\rt.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_111\lib\sunrsasign.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_111\lib\jsse.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_111\lib\jce.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_111\lib\charsets.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_111\lib\jfr.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_111\classes
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,090][DEBUG][bootstrap ] java.home: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_111
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,256][INFO ][node ] [Ion] initializing ...
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,256][DEBUG][node ] [Ion] using config [D:\tools\elasticsearch-2.3.5\config], data [[D:\tools\elasticsearch-2.3.5\data]], logs [D:\tools\elasticsearch-2.3.5\logs], plugins [D:\tools\elasticsearch-2.3.5\plugins]
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,951][INFO ][plugins ] [Ion] modules [reindex, lang-expression, lang-groovy], plugins [], sites []
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,966][DEBUG][env ] [Ion] using node location [[NodePath{path=D:\tools\elasticsearch-2.3.5\data\elasticsearch\nodes\0, spins=null}]], local_node_id [0]
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,968][DEBUG][env ] [Ion] node data locations details:
-> D:\tools\elasticsearch-2.3.5\data\elasticsearch\nodes\0, free_space [803.7gb], usable_space [803.7gb], total_space [931.3gb], spins? [unknown], mount [DATADRIVE1 (D:)], type [NTFS]
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,969][INFO ][env ] [Ion] heap size [910.5mb], compressed ordinary object pointers [true]
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,977][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Ion] creating thread_pool [force_merge], type [fixed], size [1], queue_size [null]
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,983][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Ion] creating thread_pool [percolate], type [fixed], size [8], queue_size [1k]
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,992][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Ion] creating thread_pool [fetch_shard_started], type [scaling], min [1], size [16], keep_alive [5m]
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,993][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Ion] creating thread_pool [listener], type [fixed], size [4], queue_size [null]
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,994][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Ion] creating thread_pool [index], type [fixed], size [8], queue_size [200]
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,995][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Ion] creating thread_pool [refresh], type [scaling], min [1], size [4], keep_alive [5m]
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,995][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Ion] creating thread_pool [suggest], type [fixed], size [8], queue_size [1k]
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,995][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Ion] creating thread_pool [generic], type [cached], keep_alive [30s]
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,997][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Ion] creating thread_pool [warmer], type [scaling], min [1], size [4], keep_alive [5m]
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,997][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Ion] creating thread_pool [search], type [fixed], size [13], queue_size [1k]
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,998][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Ion] creating thread_pool [flush], type [scaling], min [1], size [4], keep_alive [5m]
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,998][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Ion] creating thread_pool [fetch_shard_store], type [scaling], min [1], size [16], keep_alive [5m]
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,999][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Ion] creating thread_pool [management], type [scaling], min [1], size [5], keep_alive [5m]
[2017-01-17 12:36:03,999][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Ion] creating thread_pool [get], type [fixed], size [8], queue_size [1k]
[2017-01-17 12:36:04,000][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Ion] creating thread_pool [bulk], type [fixed], size [8], queue_size [50]
[2017-01-17 12:36:04,000][DEBUG][threadpool ] [Ion] creating thread_pool [snapshot], type [scaling], min [1], size [4], keep_alive [5m]
[2017-01-17 12:36:04,826][DEBUG][monitor.jvm ] [Ion] enabled [true], interval [1s], gc_threshold [{default=GcThreshold{name='default', warnThreshold=10000, infoThreshold=5000, debugThreshold=2000}, young=GcThreshold{name='young', warnThreshold=1000, infoThreshold=700, debugThreshold=400}, old=GcThreshold{name='old', warnThreshold=10000, infoThreshold=5000, debugThreshold=2000}}]
i've excluded bootstrap logs to meet the posting limits but they are primarily examining jar messages. Any ideas what's happening here?